Sierra Jones - Team Leader and Organizer

Sierra is a senior in computer engineering from Andover MN.

Ally Finger - Client Interaction

Ally is studying software engineering and will be graduating in May 2022.

Brady Loew - Database/Server Manager

Brady Loew a senior in software engineering, and he plans to find a stay-at-home job so he can be near his friends and family.

Cheyenne Carlson - Head of QA/Testing

Cheyenne is majoring in Software Engineering and will be graduating in the spring of 2022. After graduation, she plans on finding a job in central Iowa to stay close to her family.

Connor LaFerle - UI/UX Lead

Connor LaFerle is a senior studying software engineering and plans to graduate spring 2022. He plans on working at his current job near Ames for at least one more year after graduation

Logan Christianson - Algorithm/Research Lead

Transfer Senior earning my Bachelor's in Software Engineering. Currently set to begin working for QCI after Spring semester.

Jade Yang - Team Coordinator/Scribe

Jade Yang is a Software Engineer slated to graduate Spring 2022. After graduation, she plans on returning to Wisconsin and furthering her career in software development.